R movie DVD S movie DVD SuperS movie DVD
Geneon Starts Discounts
Can Boxed Sets of S & SuperS Be Far Behind?

Just after the beginning of the New Year (2004) Geneon (the new name of Pioneer) is poised to re-release the Sailor Moon features with new lower msrps (manufacturers suggested retail price) of $19.98 each. Knowledgeable industry insiders (and to some extent, Geneon itself) say that this signals the end of the line for the titles and may be the precursor to the release of the TV series in boxed sets.

The Dream Set!
Sailor Moon - The Movies
Dream Boxed Set
For the last year and a half Pioneer executives have been discussing the possibility of releasing the 2 television series, Sailor Moon S and Sailor Moon SuperS with one of our contacts. The boxed sets would be the last attempt to wring as much money as possible from the episodes before Geneon loses the rights. The Save Our Sailors campaign agreed to keep this possibility confidential so that current sales would not be hurt.

Fans can find the new discounts on online sites such as amazon.com which is currently listing Sailor Moon R, Sailor Moon S and Sailor Moon SuperS at US $16.98 each (though they misidentify SuperS as being S as well). The current version of the boxed set is listed at a whopping $80.98. We expect this to be marked down or replaced by a new, cheaper version.

Special thanks to "The Otaku Witch" for alerting us to the amazon.com listing!

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